Francisco Guerrero

Francisco Guerrero

The above image is part of a collection of unused ephemera intended for use in Dolarhyde’s Ledger.  The unused ephemera were sold as part of the Prop Store’s Hannibal: The Complete Series Auction.

Francisco Guerrero (aka “El Chalequero,” “The Mexican Bluebeard,” “The Consulada River Strangler/Ripper,” and/or “The Mexican Ripper”) was born in 1840 in the Bajio region of Mexico.  His childhood was marked by poverty, maternal abuse and paternal absence.

Guerrero raped, robbed and beheaded more than twenty women – primarily prostitutes – and attacked minors in the outskirts of Mexico City between the early 1880s and 1908.  He was also known to bite his sexual victims.

After his arrest in 1888 for the murder of two women, Guerrero was compared with Jack the Ripper: both targeted prostitutes approximately 40 years of age, both left gruesome wounds, both were blamed for previously unsolved crimes, and rumor had it that both were physicians or at least educated men.

At his 1890 trial, specialists were called upon to decide if he was criminally responsible.  They concluded that he was not mentally ill, but a “born criminal.”  Guerrero’s explanation of his behavior was that his victims had wounded his “self esteem as a man.”

After his release from prison in 1906, he robbed and beheaded an old woman.  Upon interrogation for that crime, he confessed: “Yes, I killed her.  I don’t know, sir… I don’t understand  what happens in me; but every woman inspires in me a terrible desire to commit a crime.”



Francisco Guerrero



Detail from Dolarhyde’s Ledger

This article is peppered with misspellings and grammatical errors.  I got tired of adding “[sic]” to every one – if you see it and it’s wrong, it was “published” that way.


Courtroom packed as jury hears first evidence

[handwritten] You are greater than them all they cannot understand

 S. Kasparian
Staff Reporter

BALTIMORE – A decades long hunt ended yesterday with the apprehending of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.  Lecter is the FBI’s main suspect in the gruesome Chesapeake Ripper murders that ravaged the area for years.  Officials have suggested that his reign of terror may reach back as far as 15 years.

[highlight] The FBI has never encountered a serial killer who possesses the cunning of the Chesapeake Ripper who has been able to allude poilce for such a long time even though his murders are amongst the most shocking and elaborate on [/highlight] record.  The manhunt creshendoed yesterday afternoon when Dr. Lecter was arrested at the country home of [circle] Will Graham [/circle] – a profiler who worked for the FBI until he himself became suspected of being the Ripper and was arrested and subsequently released only a couple of short years ago.  No word on Graham’s actual involvement in the crimes or arrest has been

of the psychiatric community in the Bay area for nearly 20 years and was most notable  known to the public for his testimonials at the trial for Will Graham.  Dr. Lecter was Graham’s clinical psychologist and played no small part in his incarceration in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.

Graham was later exhonerated and Dr. Lector himself became the lead suspect.  The attempted arrest of Lecter resulted in the death of one person hospitalization 3 others, 2 of whom were FBI agents.  Dr. Lecter then disappeared until now when agents were able to successfully take him into custody without incident.

[Text repeats]

[Caption below photograph] Photograph by R. Cheyne  DR. HANNIBAL LECTER – Makes his first public appearance since his arrest.  Usually quite dapper, Dr. Lecter still remained composed even in prisoner’s attire.

The author “S. Kasparian” is likely a nod to Hannibal‘s art department trainee, Sonia Kasparian.

The photographer “R. Cheyne” is likely a nod to Hannibal‘s art director, Rory Cheyne.

Dolarhyde’s Ledger: Page Four

Francis Dolarhyde’s Ledger from NBC Hannibal

For details about this project, please visit Transcribing Dolarhyde’s Ledger in this blog.  I have spent a significant amount of time on this project, please respect the work that went in to this transcript by appropriately attributing me and these posts as you would photography or other intellectual property.  Indecipherable words are enumerated within the text and appear below.  Feel free to leave comment if you figure any of them out.

Italicized text was translated from French by meaningfulandoriginalurl.  Many many thanks!!

Here are Page One, Page Two & Page Three

[Text left of the eye and headline]  Well done doctor!  I can’t wait for the day of our meeting and the beginning of our partnerships.  We are partners in ___ (1) and we could so much more.

Detail from Page Four

[Text between headlines]  […]  making it the ultimate act of love.  You understand this doctor!  You are showing us what love is! Eating flesh oh my god!

[Text to the right of headlines]  Do I have the strength or will to find you, to share your secrets?  Of course I do.  What a world of an ___ (2) just a little ___ (3) that bring us together at …  We are here for ___ (4).

Detail from Page Four

Very well done doctor!  What a beautiful work you have done.  You have given the world, show the world the love it deserves.  I wish they understood you!  You are a liberator.  This is the face of a mad man, no this is the face of a great man.  Liberator.  That is what you are doctor.  A liberator of the souls of men.  Perhaps you have something to show me?  Do I have the strength or will to find you, to share your secrets?  Of I do??  Doctor you are my perfect partner and we need to show the world the work we could be doing together.  Doctor I understand your work, I love your work, you and me we are partners we are here to save the souls of men  eating the flesh of your victims is so brilliant so thoughtful so smart.  The ultimate love, the liberation from our body.  The liberation from the flesh and blood that on a daily basis makes it very difficult to be above to be more spiritual and religious.  Do you get a special magical spiritual experience from eating them?  I hope so. 

He had no clue he stopped you from doing your work, from continuing this beautiful journey!  He stopped you from showing us the way to freedom. 

He didn’t expect this from you! Many questions for you about your secret.  You will continue!

I wonder what he ___ (5) of you?  He really thought you were just a brilliant doctor… surprise – what a surprise it was for him to find out.  I found the story poignant dear doctor.  He faces you, he traps you but in the end he is broken.  So much greatness, talent in you doctor!  This is just a little obstacle, we will get past this and you will resume your wonderful work.  I am sad to have to wait to see what you had in mind!  What is next for you doctor?  I am so anxious to know more but I also have a lot I could share with you doctor.  I am very talented.  I sometimes feel so under utilized by the world.  People would say that I am also a mad man, but most misunderstood men are genius.  We are ___ (6) but too advanced to be understood.  One day we are going to meet and we will work together ___ (7) partners we are meant to be partners and show the world what love is all about.  I ___ (8) it is ___ (9) ___ (10) did I share with you doctor, of course I didn’t!  I feel like I know you so well – I speak and write French.  Yes I can write in french and read french really well. Growing up I had a nanny who was of french origins so she taught me to speak french. What a beautiful language. French. The country and language of love. Have you ever been to Paris, Doctor? Ah, Paris! What a beauty my dear doctor. And the French Cuisine. I’m sure you are a fan!and of course the wine! The pleasures of eating. of course you must be francophile-  Back to our upcoming collaboration my dear doctor.  I hope I am not dreaming and I hope it will be reality in a ___ (11) future!  Do you feel the same about me?  I wonder.  I feel like you ___ (12).

I have been loved once in my life and I think my mother must be the one who loved me.  Did I very really love anybody?  I don’t think so.  I feel alone but I want to be alone.  I love being alone in the world.  You would be the exception doctor.  I would let you in my world, would you let me in your world?  I have my doubts, I think you are a loner.  You have to be such a brilliant man to be able to keep your life a secret for so long.  What a life you had so far this is amazing.  I wish we could have been partners we have so much to learn from each other!  I have so many question for you doctor.  I wonder about so much.  I want to know more about what has driven you to this beauty.  I want to eat your wonderful cooking.  I want to see you prepare these exquisite dishes.  I want to see you kill.  I want to be inside your head!  Perhaps no ___ (13) has much ___ (14) ___ (15) me and ___(16).  You are full of yourself and not really willing to share your secrets with me.  I understand!  Sharing ___ (17) their ___ (18).  Shared secrets are no secret anymore, not so special anymore.  Today on this another day, it is cold but crisp, the sky is orange at sunrise.  I want to be in the country everything nature’s beauty.  This beauty.  You feel it, you eat it!  I love nature.  People could think what they want but even mad men (I ___ (19) not in ___ (20)) loves nature!  i=I think I am one with the ___ (21) nature and that’s what makes me unique ___ (22) sensitive and in sync with the world.  I feel the sky, I feel the snow falling on the ground and the sun is my sun.  Its light is life to me I would love to be more ___ (23) to nature.  I have the feeling that studying and understanding more ___ (24) of your work would open some of these doors for me.  A liberation, a freedom that would bring me closer to greatness, closer to the light.

Detail from  Page Four

Puzzle 1
Puzzles 2 & 3
Puzzle 4 [greatness]
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6 [prophets]
Puzzle 7
Puzzles 8, 9 & 10
Puzzle 11
Puzzle 12

Puzzles 13 & 14 [trust]
Puzzles 15 [in] & 16

Puzzle 17
Puzzle 18
Puzzle 19 [must] & 20
Puzzle 21
Puzzle 22
Puzzle 23
Puzzle 24

Dolarhyde’s Ledger: Page Three

Francis Dolarhyde’s Ledger from NBC Hannibal

For details about this project, please visit Transcribing Dolarhyde’s Ledger in this blog.  I have spent a significant amount of time on this project, please respect the work that went in to this transcript by appropriately attributing me and these posts as you would photography or other intellectual property.  Indecipherable words are enumerated within the text and appear below.  Feel free to leave comment if you figure any of them out.

On this page, the text was handwritten in The Ledger and the image of the hand was then glued in over it.  I have indicated text beneath the hand with “xxx.”

Here are Page One, Page Two & Page Four

[Text left of the teeth]  The human body.  the mystery of the human body!  Its beauty!

teeth 1
Detail from Page Three

[Text right of the teeth] […], blood, flesh, teeth, we all have to face the fact!

teeth 2
Detail from Page Three

[Text along fetuses]  The beauty of human body ___ (1) of the flesh.  I was alone.  I remember being born.  I remember being in the womb ___ (2) to be the man I am now.  I was a foetus and I am now a man.  Every man should remember where they came from.  Women are where men come from.  Every women should be celebrated because of it.  My love for women is one I cannot put in words.  They are the apple of my eyes.  Eating a woman is one of my dreams doctor.  ___ (3) ___ (4) love you to help me eat my love.  What an idea!

Detail from Page Three

[Text left of delirium] Thought I am now!  Count my cells as the bear expands in my chest!

Detail from Page Three

This body is sometimes my prison.  In the flesh, ___ (5) is too much for this world.  I really understand how you have ___ (6) ___ (7) this person.  This body has another dimension with you doctor!?  You have made flesh magical, ___ (8).  We are better because of it.  Body ___ (9) is ___ (10) ___ (11).  The human body should be celebrated.  I think that eating it is the best way to celebrate our human nature to show love to the flesh to prepare it in the manner that makes it so special that it has become a ritual. 

[…] look at his life is so magical.  We come from a foetus.  A little cell was the beginning of all of us.  And here we are human body.  This body that is ___ (12).  The body is here to ___ (13) human.  The blood is red and  makes it run as a machine.  We are ___ (14) with blood as gas.  The blood goes through our veins.  It is warm.  Warm and red. I love this experience ___ (15) blood when you get ___ (16).  I think I am in this constant state of ___ (17) blood.  My life is ___ (18) ___ (19) of ___ (20) flood.  So I do understand this way you have doctor to eat your victims!  I don’t think they are victims really.  They should thank you for your love of their body.  What a love to be eaten by the famous doctor lecter!  Oh my god!  What an honor!  Glad you are a master chef!  I am wondering if you have ever eaten a foetus.  Really that would be the ultimate delicacy – a fabulous delicacy.  Do you feel their body when you cook them?  What do you feel when you eat them?  I would really enjoy sharing these feelings with you.  We are made to be partners my dear doctor!  I admire your sense of drama for beauty.  The beauty of your act!  This is your craft and you are in control.  You are very good at it.  Nobody is as skilled as you are in this matter.  Where does your ___ (21) come from?  Where?  Were you born this way? Did your mother taught you all this knowledge?  Was she the woman behind the man that you have become doctor?  Do you think she would be proud of you doctor?  Would she enjoy these wonderfully crafted meals?  Would she understand what you are doing?  I wonder sometimes if my mother would understand who I have become?  Would she love me more?  Nothing like a mother’s love they say.  Not every mother is loving.  It is really amazing everyone always have the best childhood that everything is always so ___ (22) and perfect.  I make perfection because it is not in my life.  I am creating the perfection I want to see in this world.  My body is not born this way I am making it what I want it to be.  What I think it could be.  I am making it perfect!  I remember myself as a young boy and the difficulties to be.  Just living was difficult.  I don’t understand life and its meaning.  What an idea here I felt like a stranger lost in a foreign world.  I could not connect with anyone but you doctor!  I feel like we have a connection.  I understand your work, I see myself in your work!

I ___ (23) ___ (24) the other kids at school, I was really happy when I was with my grandmother.  Perhaps because being old makes us less human in the way human is just a waste of space.  The way a body is just ___ (25) ___ (26) ___ (27) finesse.  Her body was beautiful because it has lived.  Life made it unique but it is not about because she was closer to death than she was from birth.  Life and death we come back to these two words doctor!  Life and death!  Well done doctor!  You’ve certainly made an impression.  Was this your intention?  I wonder if they are finding you inconvenient?  They had no idea you were capable of this!  If only we had found each other before this rude circumstance perhaps kindred souls such as ours would have found ample time to make our imprint in this world.  We could have made such a masterpiece you and me doctor!  I wish we could we have so much in common!  I really wonder if you had the same memories to be in the womb than me.  Did you feel the warmth and fuzziness.  This love of body is it hungry for the memory of this warmth and fuzziness warmth of the blood, warmth of fresh meat.  This is what happens at birth we are ___ (28) of blood, flesh coming out of flesh.  The ultimate love is birth.  I ___ (29) really ___ (30) is it the ___ (31) by someone else hand.  Do you love your victims?  ___ (32) love?  How did you get to ___ (33) doctor?  Why our path didn’t cross earlier!  Oh my god all the wonderful ___ (34) we could ___ (35) accomplish together.  It sometimes makes me sad that we didn’t get the chance to show how talented we are.  Our talent ___ (36) ___ (37) be doubled by our partnership.  I love old photos they are ___ (38) of the ___ (39) of the xxx because it is like they are dead frozen in their faces.  Do you know about this weird victorian xxx of xxx picture of dead love ones with live relatives.  The ___ (40) ___ (41) photos xxx of the xxx ___ (42) the mother.  The pictures of those dead, well dressed ladies with siblings or with xxx unique xxx.  What was the intention behind these photos?  I understand because I am who I am but xxx.  That they thought it was something to be done.  Why are they now so in arms with what you did xxx was ok to take pictures of dead bodies to put in your apartment.  To frame them and xxx ok?  Who decides it is ok or not.  Since when are the men and women of this earth xxx us.  We are liberators and we are not the mad men they think we are!  If my xxx rude circumstances.  Perhaps kindred spirits such as ours would have found ample time xxx.  Alcohol ___ (43) the ___ (44) but it is not perhaps the best?  I never really like drinking I feel like it is bringing ___ (45) ugly in me out.  My body is xxx encountered that had a drinking problem ___ (46) like an open book.  It was like their body xxx to human is too human.  The magic of who I am is that I am better, I am more than just xxx and better.  Like you I think doctor xxx You and I doctor are made from xxx wonder.  As I was growing up I used xxx wanted it is xxx is ___ (47) xxx ___ (48) is ___ (49) xxx love with xxx your love of xxx doctor.  I am xxx mold we are xxx to collaborate on xxx your next project xxx contact me and xxx many ideas and xxx I am disappointed that xxx work is one of an artist xxx work of your acts!  What a xxx we are so misunderstood xxx understand a crime but the ultimate xxx universe to ___ (50) us laugh xxx I will not say to make us xxx part of this again like you doctor I am xxx I am a liberator!  I am here xxx I think the illustration of Blake xxx are illuminating illustrations.  You and I doctor xxx could really save the world from the madness xxx not mad men.  We are liberators!  Well done doctor xxx impression.  Was this your intention? I xxx you inconvenient.

2016-04-02 12.06.47
Detail from Page Three

Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2


3 & 4
Puzzles 3 & 4
Puzzle 5
6 & 7
Puzzles 6 & 7
Puzzle 8
9 10 & 11
Puzzles 9 [ache], 10 & 11
Puzzle 12
Puzzle 13
Puzzle 14
Puzzle 15
Puzzle 16

Puzzle 17 [spilling]
18 & 19
Puzzles 18 & 19 [pot]

Puzzle 20
Puzzle 21 [shine]
Puzzle 22
23 & 24
Puzzles 23 & 24
25 26 & 27
Puzzles 25, 26 [elegance] & 27
Puzzles 28
29 30 & 31
Puzzles 29, 30 & 31
32 & 33
Puzzles 32 & 33
34 & 35
Puzzles 34 &35
36 & 37
Puzzles 36 & 37
38 & 39
Puzzles 38 & 39
40 & 41
Puzzles 40 & 41
Puzzle 42
43 & 44
Puzzles 43 & 44
Puzzle 45
Puzzle 46
47 48 & 49
Puzzles 47, 48 & 49
Puzzle 50

Él es el diablo. Él es humo.

2016-07-22 16.30.55 HDR
“He is the devil.  He is smoke.”  Hannibal-inspired Mexican nicho.


The tarot spread I used for Will’s pre-The Wrath of the Lamb reading is a ten card spread from the tiny tarot deck I used in the nicho.  I only used the Major Arcana and the interpretation is from Biddy Tarot:

  1. The Moon
  2. The Hierophant
  3. The Chariot
  4. Wheel of Fortune [reversed]
  5. Justice
  6. The Lovers
  7. The Hermit
  8. The Tower
  9. The Emperor [reversed]
  10. Death

A detailed explanation of the reading is below the cut.

Continue reading “Él es el diablo. Él es humo.”